Nebraska Dollar and Energy Saving Loans are available through the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) and state lending partners and institutions. They offer great interest rates ranging from 3.5% to 5% depending on the lender and the loan fees they charge. That’s a generous rate, assisting Nebraskan homeowners with saving on their project costs.
Nebraska Dollar and Energy Saving Loans are low-interest loans with terms ranging from three to 15 years, depending if the project qualifies or appliance is funded through the program. The homeowner gets a significant saving over the long term when accessing these facilities for their residential energy upgrades.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Nebraska Dollar and Energy Saving Loans
Here are a few frequently asked questions from Nebraska residents when accessing this financing facility.
Q: Why must I purchase a new furnace costing more than $1,000 to qualify for a Nebraska Dollar and Energy Saving Loan?
A: One of the primary reasons for creating the Dollar and Energy Saving Loan program is to help Nebraskans achieve energy independence. This is done by using energy-efficient appliances like furnaces. It may take several years to receive a cost benefit from this purchase, however, since most furnaces have a service life of 20 years, the cost savings on energy bills will show up over time.
Q: I’m considering applying for an energy loan through my bank. I’d like to replace my home windows. Does this upgrade qualify for the energy loan? The lender requires me to provide an efficiency report; where can I get this form?
A: The replacement windows require an NFRC-tested U-value of 0.35 or under. If the panes don’t meet this specification, you may still qualify for the loan if the window sashes and frames are made with wood, vinyl, or aluminum materials and feature a thermal break.
The window must feature two glass panes with a krypton, argon, SF6, carbon dioxide, or hybrid gas fill. Use Forms 32 and 33 and Steps to Obtain a Low-Interest Loan Using an Energy Audit to secure your loan application. Free or low-cost energy audits may also be available from your local electric or natural gas utility.
Heating and Cooling System
Q: I plan to install a geothermal heating and cooling system in my home. This will replace the gas air conditioner and furnace. Do I qualify for a rebate for this project? My local utility provider already provided me with the rebates they offer. I want to know if additional rebates are available from the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy.
A: There are no state programs for rebates for your project. However, the Dollar and Energy Saving Loan Program offers loans for geothermal heat pumps with a minimum EER of 13.0 and a minimum COP of 3.0. This requirement covers most heat pumps.
Low-Interest Loan Partners
There are 277 partners in Nebraska offering a low-interest loan with a maximum of 5% for the project. You can check with local banks to see if they provide a Dollar and Energy Saving Loan program. These loan programs require the Nebraska Energy Office’s approval before committing to a down payment.
You must secure bids for the project, and then serve copies of those bids and supporting documents to the participating lender. The participating Nebraska lender will submit your application to the Nebraska Energy Office for assessment and review.
You may also qualify for a federal tax rebate. The proposed rebate recommendations cover 10% of total costs, up to $300 for a closed-loop geothermal heat pump meeting the COP and EER requirements of 3.3 and 14.1, respectively.
This rebate is also eligible for open loop geothermal heat pumps with an EER of 16.2 and COP of 3.6 or direct expansion heat pumps with an EER of 15 and COP of 3.5. Check the IRS website for more information.
Additional Reading: Dollar and Energy Saving Loans
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